Jan 19, 2025  
2025-2026 Catalog (Working Draft) 
2025-2026 Catalog (Working Draft)

Fees & Expenses

Tuition and fees for all campuses in the University of Arkansas System are approved by the University of Arkansas Board of Trustees and are subject to change.

Undergraduate Tuition and Required Fees-Arkansas Resident

Fall/Spring Semester/Summer Terms

Monticello campus

Type Cost per Hour Per Semester/Term
Tuition $189.50/hour $2,842.50
Technology Infrastructure Fee $24.00/hour $360.00
Activity Fee $5.00/hour $75.00
Instructional Equipment Fee $9.00/hour $135.00
Athletic Fee $18.00/hour $270.00
Facilities Fee $22.00/hour $330.00
Library Enhancement Fee $4.00/hour $60.00
Wellness Fee $2.00/hour $30.00
University Police Department Fee $6.00/hour $90.00
Student Success Initiative Fee $13.25/hour $198.75
Deferred Maintenance Fee $17.00/hour $255.00
Assessment Fee $5.00/$3.00  

UAM Colleges of Technology at Crossett and at McGehee Technical Tuition

Type Cost per Hour Per Semester/Term*
Tuition $107.00/hour $1,605.00
Technology Infrastructure Fee $14.00/hour $210.00
Facilities Fee $6.00/hour $90.00
Student Success Initiative Fee $3.75/hour $56.25
Deferred Maintenance Fee $6.00/hour $90.00
Certification and Academic Enhancement Fee $3.50/hour $52.50
Assessment Fee $5.00/$3.00  

*Based on 15 hours

Undergraduate Tuition and Required Fees - Out-of-State Resident

Fall/Spring Semester/Summer Terms

An out-of-state resident is one who is not a bonafide resident of the State of Arkansas. The out-of-state tuition may be waived for students from the contiguous states of Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Tennessee, Mississippi, and Louisiana.

Type Cost per Hour Per Semester/Term*
Tuition $189.50/hour $2,842.25
Out-of-State Tuition $185.50/hour $2,782.50
Total Out-of-State Tuition $375.00/hour $5,625.00
Technology Infrastructure Fee $24.00/hour $360.00
Activity Fee $5.00/hour $75.00
Instructional Equipment Fee $9.00/hour $135.00
Athletic Fee $18.00/hour $270.00
Facilities Fee $22.00/hour $330.00
Library Enhancement Fee $4.00/hour $60.00
Wellness Fee $2.00/hour $30.00
University Police Department Fee $6.00/hour $90.00
Student Success Initiative Fee $13.25/hour $198.75
Deferred Maintenance Fee $17.00/hour $255.00
Assessment Fee $5.00/$3.00  

Colleges of Technology - Crossett and McGehee Technical Tuition

Type Cost per Hour Per Semester/Term*
Tuition $107.00/hour $1,605.00
Out-of-State Tuition $16.00/hour $240.00
Total Out-of-State Tuition $123.00/hour $1,845.00
Technology Infrastructure Fee $14.00/hour $210.00
Facilities Fee $6.00/hour $90.00
Student Success Initiative Fee $3.75/hour $56.25
Deferred Maintenance Fee $6.00/hour $90.00
Certification and Academic Enhancement Fee $3.50/hour $52.50
Assessment Fee $5.00/$3.00  

*Based on 15 hours

Graduate Tuition and Fees

Fall Semester/Spring Semester/Summer Terms

Type Per Semester
Tuition/Arkansas Resident $289.50/hour
Out-of-State Tuition* $240.50/hour
Total Out-of-State Tuition $530.00/hour
Technology Infrastructure Fee $24.00/hour
Activity Fee $5.00/hour
Student Success Initiative Fee $13.25/hour
Deferred Maintenance Fee $17.00/hour
Instructional Equipment Fee $9.00/hour
Athletic Fee $18.00/hour
Facilities Fee $22.00/hour
Library Enhancement Fee $4.00/hour
Wellness Fee $2.00/hour
University Police Department Fee $6.00/hour

*The out-of-state tuition charge may be waived for students from the contiguous states of Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Tennessee, Mississippi, and Louisiana.

Senior Citizen Fee Waiver

Tuition and fees for Arkansas residents age 60 or older are waived. Individuals under this policy must pay all miscellaneous fees that may be required. Enrollment in a class for this group is contingent upon available space.

Residence Hall Fees

Fall Semester/Spring Semester Terms

Residence halls are open to any student who is enrolled on any campus of the University of Arkansas at Monticello.

Unlimited Meal Plan ($300 Declining Balance) $2,325.00/semester
Unlimited Meal Plan ($125 Declining Balance) $2,125.00/semester
Any 14 meals ($150 Declining Balance) $2,075.00/semester
55 Meal Block ($200 Declining Balance) $1.025.00/semester
Commuter 25 Meal Plan $250.00/semester
Commuter 50 Meal Plan $475.00/semester
Commuter Block 80 $850.00/semester
Commuter Any 10 Meals $115.00/semester
Commuter ($140 Declining Balance) $140.00/semester*
All ($400 Declining Balance) $400.00/semester

*Required for students in 6 hours or more

Room fee based on double occupancy:

Bankston Hall $1,925.00/semester
Horsfall Hall $1,640.00/semester
Maxwell Hall Suite $1,925.00/semester
Royer Hall $1,575.00/semester
Student Apartments $2,575.00/semester
Residence Hall Damage Deposit $100.00
Student Apartment Damage Deposit $100.00
Lease Cancellation Fee $400.00

Additional private room fee contingent upon availability:

Bankston Hall $500.00/semester
Horsfall Hall $500.00/semester
Maxwell Hall $500.00/semester
Royer Hall $500.00/semester

Summer Semester Terms

Residence halls are open to any student who is enrolled on any campus of the University of Arkansas at Monticello.

Any 14 meals ($25 Declining Balance) $675.00/semester

Room fee based on double occupancy:

Bankston Hall $275.00/semester
Horsfall Hall $275.00/semester
Maxwell Hall Suite $275.00/semester
Royer Hall $275.00/semester
Student Apartments $455.00/semester

Miscellaneous Fees

Auto Registration $30.00/year
     (See University Police Department section elsewhere in catalog.)
Dropping and/or Adding Classes $10.00/visit
Late Registration $25.00
I.D. Replacement Fee $10.00
Internship Fee $30.00
Internship Fee Out of Service Area $450.00
Distance Education Fee for remote CIV classes and any online class $42.50/credit hour
Vocal and Instrumental Private Instruction $75.00/one credit hour (per course)
$110.00/two or three credit hours (per course)
Band Fee $25.00/Fall semester
Student Nursing Insurance $20.00/year
Science Lab Fee $25.00/course
Forestry Summer Camp Fee $300.00
International Graduate Registration Fee $50.00
Graduate Thesis Binding Fee $150.00
Transcripts $10.00/copy
Horse Boarding Fee $100.00/semester
SIS Lab Fee $25.00/course
Nursing Student AAS Review Fee $176.66/course
Nursing Student BSN Review Fee $106.00/course
Experiential Learning Assessment Fee $100.00/course
Returned Check Charge $25.00/check
Developmental Course Fee $5.00/credit hour
Nursing Assessment Fee $260.00/course
Nursing Clinical Fee $30.00/nursing course credit hour
Automotive Assessment Fee $15.00/credit hour
Automotive Laboratory Fee $20.00/credit hour
AHEOTA Laboratory Fee $40.00/credit hour
Welding Laboratory Fee $60.00/course
Culinary Laboratory Fee $50.00/course
Electromechanical Laboratory Fee $30.00/course
Child Development Care Insurance $20.00/year
Child Development Assessment Fee $50.00/semester
Child Care Laboratory Fee $50.00/course
EMT-Paramedic Student Insurance $20.00/year
EMT-Paramedic Laboratory Fee $20.00/credit hour
EMT Basic Drug Screening $55.00/course
EMT Basic Exam Voucher Fee $104.00/course
Paramedic Testing Fee $97.50/course
Paramedic Material Fee $85.00/course
Paramedic Exam Voucher Fee $160.00/course
Paramedic Drug Screening $55.00/course
Welding Certification Fee $25.00/test
Advanced Welding Certification Fee $50.00/test
Early Child Care Background Check Fee $58.00/year
Computer Lab Fee $25.00/course
Early Childhood Lab Fee $50.00/course
Diesel Lab Fee $40.00/credit hour
HVACR Lab Fee $30.00/course
HVACR I/II Lab Fee $25.00/course
AMT Lab Fee $30.00/course
NCCER Core Test Fee $60.00/course
NCCER Level 1 Test Fee $75.00/course
NCCER Level 2 Test Fee $75.00/course
Practical Nursing Drug Screening first semester $55.00/course
Practical Nursing Drug Screening second semester $85.00/course

Estimate of Expenses

The following figures represent estimated costs that a full-time undergraduate Arkansas resident student taking 15 hours will incur while attending the University of Arkansas at Monticello.

Tuition/Fees Semester Year
Tuition $2,842.50 $5,685.00
Technology Infrastructure Fee $360.00 $720.00
Activity Fee $75.00 $150.00
Instructional Equipment Fee $135.00 $270.00
Athletic Fee $270.00 $540.00
Facilities Fee $330.00 $660.00
Library Enhancement Fee $60.00 $120.00
Wellness Fee $30.00 $60.00
University Police Department Fee $90.00 $180.00
Assessment Fee $5.00 $10.00
Student Success Initiative Fee $198.75 $397.50
Deferred Maintenance Fee $250.00 $500.00
Books and Supplies $600.00 $1,200.00
Room and Board $4,000.00 $8,000.00
     (Double Room, 7-day/14-Meal Plan)  
Transportation $675.00 $1,350.00
Personal Expenses $1,125.00 $2,250.00
Totals $11,046.25 $22,092.50

Summer Term 

Tuition $189.50/hour
Technology Infrastructure Fee $24.00/hour
Activity Fee $5.00/hour
Instructional Equipment Fee $9.00/hour
Athletic Fee $18.00/hour
Facilities Fee $22.00/hour
Library Enhancement Fee $4.00/hour
Wellness Fee $2.00/hour
University Police Department Fee $6.00/hour
Assessment Fee $3.00/term
Student Success Initiative $13.25/hour
Deferred Maintenance Fee $17.00/hour
Books and Supplies $275.00*
Room and Board $720.00*
Transportation $150.00*
Personal Expenses $250.00*

Students who do not live in residence halls should subtract the room and board figure. Transportation, books and supplies, and personal expenses will vary according to individual student needs.

NOTE: All tuition and fees are subject to change upon approval by the University Board of Trustees.

Residency Status for Fee Purposes

A student’s residency status for fee purposes is determined at the time of admission according to the policy established by the University of Arkansas Board of Trustees. Copies of the residency policy and petitions for change of residency status are available upon request from the Office of the Registrar. Petitions are reviewed by the Registrar and must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar no later than the last date to register for the semester or term for which the change is desired.

Payment of Accounts

All charges are due and payable in advance to the Cashier’s Office. Cashier’s office hours are 8:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. At the time of registration, student accounts must be paid in full or arrangements made for full payment. The University offers the FACTS plan as a convenient method of tuition payment management. The FACTS plan provides a low cost option for budgeting tuition and other educational expenses. Students with unpaid accounts will not be eligible for transcripts or readmission to any semester or term until all accounts are paid in full. Personal checks will be accepted from students with no record of returned checks. A charge of $25 will be assessed for returned checks, and the student will be subject to revocation of registration.

NOTE: By enrolling in classes, either at early registration or regular registration, the student creates a financial liability in the amount of the tuition, fees, and any other charges pertinent to the enrollment process. The only way this financial liability can be eliminated is by payment from the student or his/her agent or formal cancellation of the enrollment by the student before the semester or term begins. Failure to attend class (es) does not reduce this liability. Failure to receive financial aid does not reduce this liability. Students must withdraw from the University in person or by written communication. The process for withdrawal can be found elsewhere in the Academic Regulations  section of this catalog.

Refunds-Tuition and Fees

Withdrawal/Fall or Spring Semesters

Any student who officially withdraws from the University of Arkansas at Monticello during a fall or spring semester is entitled to a refund as follows:

Tuition and Fees

  1. Up to and including three class days 100%
  2. From the fourth class day through the tenth class day 50%
  3. The eleventh class day and after NO REFUND

Dropping Courses/Fall or Spring Semesters

Any student who drops one or more courses and continues to be enrolled at the University during a fall or spring semester shall be entitled to individual course refunds as follows:

Tuition and Fees

  1. Up to and including three class days 100%
  2. The fourth class day and after NO REFUND

Withdrawal/Summer Term

Any student who officially withdraws from the University of Arkansas at Monticello during a summer term is entitled to a refund as follows:

Tuition and Fees

  1. Two- to four-week term:
    1. Prior to start of classes 100%
    2. After classes have begun NO REFUND
  2. Five- or six-week term:
    1. Up to and including two class days 100%
    2. From the third class day through the fifth class day 50%
    3. The sixth class day and after NO REFUND
  3. Seven and one-half- to nine-week term:
    1. Prior to start of classes 100%
    2. Up to and including seven class days 50%
    3. The eighth class day and after NO REFUND
  4. Ten- or twelve-week term:
    1. Prior to start of classes 100%
    2. Up to and including ten class days 50%
    3. The eleventh class day and after NO REFUND

Dropping Courses/Summer Term

Any student who drops one or more courses and continues to be enrolled at the University during a five- or six-week summer term is entitled to individual course refunds as follows:

Registration, Tuition, and Fees

  1. Up to and including two class days 100%
  2. The third class day and after NO REFUND

The University will follow the refund policy for “Five- or six-week term” when the summer term is more than four weeks but less than five weeks.

The University of Arkansas at Monticello refund policy is subject to change if required by federal regulation or the University of Arkansas Board of Trustees. Appeals of the refund policy must be submitted in writing to the UAM Executive Council.

Refund - Bookstore

Any student who officially withdraws or drops a class at the University of Arkansas at Monticello during the fall or spring semester is entitled to a refund at the Bookstore as follows:

  1. Up to and including five class days 100%
  2. The sixth class day and after NO REFUND

Any student who officially withdraws or drops a class at the University of Arkansas at Monticello during a summer term is entitled to a refund at the Bookstore as follows:

  1. Up to and including second class day 100%
  2. The third class day and after NO REFUND

Students need to furnish a receipt from the purchase of books and a student ID when returning a book. The book must be in the same condition as when purchased.

Cash for Books

If a student misses the refund deadline, the Bookstore has “Book Buy Backs” at the end of each semester or term. This service pays cash directly to the student for textbooks.

Housing and Meal Plan Refund Policy - Cancellation by the Student

The housing/food service contract will be for the period of an academic year (Fall & Spring semesters) unless the contract is only for the Spring semester or Summer I or II terms.

In the event of withdrawal and termination of the contract after occupancy, room and applicable meal charges may be prorated according to the following.

  1. If withdrawal and/or checkout are prior to the 60th day after the hall opening in the fall or spring semester, the contractee will be responsible for 50% of their current term room and board charges. Additionally, if withdrawal and/or checkout are prior to the 60th day after the hall opening in the fall semester the contractee will be assessed a $400 cancellation fee.
  2. If withdrawal and/or checkout are on or after the 60th day after the hall opening in the fall or spring semester, the contractee will be responsible for room and board charges for the remainder of the term. Additionally, if withdrawal and/or checkout are on or after the 60th day after the hall opening in the fall semester, the contractee will be assessed a $400 cancellation fee and no refunds or adjustments to charges will be made.

Please see the most up to date housing contract on the UAM Residence Life webpage for more details.

Residency Determination - Fees for Veterans, Military Personnel, and Dependents

For the purpose of tuition and fees applicable for all programs of study, including distance learning programs, effective July 1, 2017, a student shall be classified as in-state or resident, if the student meets any of the following criteria regardless of his or her residence:

  1. A veteran who was honorably discharged or released from a period of not less than ninety (90) days of active duty in the United States Armed Forces within three (3) years before the date of enrollment in a program of study.
  2. A dependent or spouse of a veteran who meets criteria above.
  3. A member of the armed forces.
  4. A spouse of a member of the armed forces.
  5. A Reserve Officers’ Training Corps cadet who has an executed armed forces service contract.
  6. A dependent of a member of the active duty armed forces, when the member of the armed forces:
    1. is stationed in Arkansas pursuant to permanent change of station (PCS) military orders;
    2. is continuously domiciled in Arkansas for at least six consecutive months before entering active military service and who maintains Arkansas as the permanent home of record while on active duty; or
    3. demonstrates a change of bona fide domicile from another state to Arkansas at least twelve (12) consecutive months prior to separation, discharge, or retirement from active military duty. This provision is forfeited if the military person does not return to Arkansas within 36 months after separation, discharge, or retirement from active duty.
  7. A Veteran using educational assistance under either Chapter 30 (Montgomery GI Bill ® - Active Duty Program), Chapter 31 (Vocational Rehab and Employment, “VR&E”), or Chapter 33 (Post-9/11 GI Bill ®), of Title 38 of the United States Code, who lives in the State of Arkansas while attending a school located in the State of Arkansas (regardless of his/her formal state of residence) and enrolls in the school within three (3) years of discharge or release from a period of active duty service of 90 days or more.
  8. Anyone using transferred Post-9/11 GI Bill ® benefits (38U.S.C. § 3319) who lives in the State of Arkansas while attending a school located in the State of Arkansas (regardless of his/her formal state of residence) and enrolls in the school within three (3) years of the transferor’s discharge or release from a period of active duty service of 90 days or more.
  9. Anyone described in paragraphs 7 and 8 while he or she remains continuously enrolled (other than during regularly scheduled breaks between courses, semesters, or terms) at the same school. The person so described must have enrolled in the school prior to the expiration of the three (3) year period following discharge or release as described in paragraphs 7 and 8 and must be using educational benefits under either Chapter 30, Chapter 31, or Chapter 33, of Title 38, United States Code.
  10. Anyone using benefits under the Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship (38 U.S.C. § 3311(b)(9)) who lives in the State of Arkansas while attending a school located in the State of Arkansas (regardless of his/her formal State of residence).
  11. Anyone using transferred Post-9/11 GI Bill ® benefits (38 U.S.C. § 3319) who lives in the State of Arkansas while attending a school located in the State of Arkansas (regardless of his/her formal state of residence) and the transferor is a member of the uniformed service who is serving on active duty.
  12. A member of the armed forces or “covered individual” as identified in Section 702 of the Veterans Access, Choice and Accountability Act of 2014.

This systemwide policy and procedure has been amended as necessary for compliance with the requirements of 38 U.S.C. 3679, as amended and ARK. Code Ann. § 6-60-205.

(For the purpose of this policy, dependents are unmarried children who are legal dependents of the military person as defined by the IRS.)