Mar 30, 2025  
2025-2026 Catalog (Working Draft) 
2025-2026 Catalog (Working Draft)

Undergraduate Admissions

Any person wishing to register for a single course or a full schedule of classes must first be admitted to the University. Required documents are to be sent to:

Office of Admissions

Student Success Center, Suite 101
P. O. Box 3600
Monticello, AR 71656
Telephone: (870) 460-1026
Fax: (870) 460-1926

Applicants are encouraged to submit all documents at least thirty days prior to the beginning of the semester or term of intended enrollment. Applicants who do not complete an application for admission at least 14 days prior to registration for any semester or term may have to register late or miss the deadline to be admitted to the university.

A faxed copy of an official document is not acceptable, and academic records in the student’s possession will not be considered official transcripts. While copies such as these may be used for information or advising purposes, they will not satisfy admission requirements.

Any student who falsifies admission materials or misrepresents eligibility for admission will be subject to immediate dismissal from the University.

Admission Requirements

University requirements include: (1) a completed application for admission, (2) college entrance exam scores (used to determine academic program eligibility and course placement), and (3) official academic transcripts. The University also requires all first-time freshmen to sign acceptance of an 8-Semester Program of Study or a waiver of the 8-Semester Program of Study to become fully admitted.

Other requirements include: (1) Proof of immunization against measles, mumps, and rubella. Two MMR injections or proof of serological immunity is required. It is the responsibility of the student to request any exemption through the Arkansas Dept. of Health, 4815 W. Markham, Little Rock, Arkansas 72205. Proof that the student was born prior to January 1, 1957, will be accepted in lieu of receiving a vaccine. (2) For international students, proof of tuberculin skin testing or a chest x-ray within the last six months is required.

Arkansas Law states that all students who are foreign born are subject to the requirements of the Arkansas Department of Health Tuberculosis Screening Program for Foreign Born University and College Students. These students must contact UAM Student Health Services (870-460-1051) for required forms and further details.

All first-time freshmen graduating from an accredited high school after May 1, 1999 will be admitted unconditionally if they have successfully completed high school with a graduation date listed on the official, final transcript, and have a minimum 2.00 grade point average (on a 4.00 scale). Students who have received a GED or are graduates of a home-schooled program must provide similar documents.  Any request for approval from an institution that is not accredited will be evaluated for a decision.

Any student who has an ACT composite score of below 15 (or comparable SAT/ACCUPLACER) will be conditionally admitted for the initial term. A minimum 2.00 grade point average will be required to continue unless approved by the Office of Academic Advising.

Any other exceptions must be approved by the Office of Admissions after consulting with the Office of Academic Advising.

College Entrance Exam Scores

College entrance exam scores are used to determine academic program eligibility and placement into the appropriate mathematics and/or English courses.

The ACT is the preferred college entrance exam; however, SAT or ACCUPLACER scores will be accepted. Scores should be provided from an exam within the previous five years and must be recognized by the State of Arkansas. Test scores must be sent by the testing agency or be recorded on an official transcript. The Office of Admissions will provide testing information to students who have not taken a college entrance examination within the previous five years. The institutional codes are: 0110 for ACT and 6007 for SAT.

High school students are advised to take college entrance exams no later than the first half of their senior year. Students should request the testing agency send their scores to the University of Arkansas at Monticello.

Transfer students are asked to provide placement test scores. A continuing student may be placed in the appropriate level of mathematics and/or English to continue studies until general education requirements are met.


Each freshman student who has graduated from an accredited high school must submit an official copy of his/her transcript from the high school showing a diploma has been earned. Freshmen who have passed the GED must submit the GED certificate and scores in lieu of the high school transcript. Transfer students must request that official transcripts be mailed directly to the Office of Admissions from each institution attended including high school transcripts.

Readmission of Former Students

A student who has attended UAM in previous years but has not attended for one semester or more is required to complete an application for admission and submit official transcripts of college work from all institutions attended since the last enrollment at the University. Because admission requirements are subject to change, additional documents may be required.

Former University students who have attempted fewer than 30 hours of credit and who have not attended a college or university during the last two years (24 months) will be placed under the catalog in effect when they re-enroll at UAM. The catalog chosen and the student’s graduation may not span a period of more than six (6) years.

Readmission of Servicemembers

The University of Arkansas at Monticello (UAM) recognizes that students who are active servicemembers and reservists may be temporarily unable to attend classes or be required to suspend their studies because of military obligations.

In accordance with federal regulations, 34 C.F.R. § 668.18, UAM will promptly readmit servicemembers who seek readmission following an interruption resulting from a uniformed service obligation. For the purpose of this policy, military service is defined as “service, whether voluntary or involuntary, in the armed forces, including service by a member of the National Guard or Reserve, on active duty, active duty for training, or full-time National Guard duty under federal authority for a period of more than 30 consecutive days under a call or order to active duty of more than 30 consecutive days” (ED 34 C.F.R. 668.18). 

This policy applies to: 

  1. Servicemembers who are unable to attend classes for more than 30 consecutive days; and
  2. Servicemembers who are unable to attend classes for less than 30 days when such an absence would result in a withdrawal from the university.

Students must provide written notice of a military service obligation to their advisor, dean, registrar, and the Veteran Affairs school certifying official as far in advance as possible, unless precluded by military necessity. Such notice does not have to indicate a return date.

Upon returning to UAM, students may be required to provide documentation of the military service requiring withdrawal from the university.

Service members will be eligible to re-enroll into their program and under the same catalog as long as they return within that academic year. Students who return in subsequent academic years may have to be re-enrolled under a more recent catalog. If the exact program the student was enrolled in no longer exists, the student must be admitted to the program that is most similar, unless the student requests or agrees to admission to a different program. Returning students will be reenrolled with the same enrollment status, number of completed credit hours, and academic standing as the last academic year of attendance. 

If the university determines that a returning student is not prepared to resume the program or is unable to complete the program, the university must make reasonable efforts to enable the student to resume. If such efforts are unsuccessful or place an undue hardship on the university, UAM is not required to readmit the student. 

In accordance with federal regulations, returning students who receive a dishonorable or bad conduct discharge from the Armed Forces (including the National Guard and Reserves) are not eligible for readmission under this policy. However, servicemembers who receive dishonorable or bad conduct discharge may remain eligible for readmission even though they will not be entitled to the benefits outlined in this policy. 

Freshman Early Admission

Students who submit an application for admission, ACT, SAT or ACCUPLACER scores, proof of required immunizations, and a six- or seven-semester transcript may be admitted during their senior year in high school. Following graduation, the student must request that a final transcript reflecting all credits, grades, and graduation date be sent to the University.

Transfer Admission

In addition to an application for admission and proof of immunizations, any student who has attended other colleges/ universities must assure that official transcripts of all work attempted from all schools attended be sent from those institutions directly to the UAM Office of Admissions.

Transfer students must be eligible to return to the institution previously attended. If either the cumulative or previous semester’s grade point is less than a 2.00 (on a 4.00 scale), the student will be admitted on Academic probation as described in the Academic Regulations section in this catalog. Transfer students are also subject to the Transfer Policy in the Academic Regulations section.

Pre-Freshman Admission

Academically capable students may register for college courses at the University prior to high school graduation. As a pre-freshman, a student must provide an application for admission, a high school transcript, proof of immunization, placement test scores, and a letter from the principal or designee indicating that the student may enroll in college-level work.

Students who take college courses at UAM while they are still in high school will be required to meet all admission requirements for beginning freshmen upon graduation from high school. Courses taken while the student is a pre-freshman will then be applied toward a degree program at UAM or they may be transferred to other colleges or universities. The Office of the Registrar will report credits and grades earned to high school officials when the student provides a written request. Students taking college courses from another institution must provide official transcripts to UAM.

Whether courses taken at the University satisfy high school graduation requirements is a determination made exclusively by high school administrators where the student is in attendance.

Special Student Admission

An individual who does not wish to pursue an academic degree but would like to enroll for a limited number of courses may enroll as a special student. A student may be admitted to this category with an application for admission and proof of required immunizations. To enroll in an English or mathematics course, the student must provide college entrance test scores.

A special student may not normally attempt more than six hours in any single term and may not declare a major. Credits earned from other institutions may not be transferred until the student meets all admission requirements to the University. After completing 18 hours, the special student may be required to complete all admission requirements and undertake a program leading to a degree.

A student on suspension from any college or university will not be allowed to receive special student status.

Admission of Visiting Students

Students who are enrolled in another institution of higher education (to which they intend to return) and who wish to take courses at the University of Arkansas at Monticello must submit an application for admission, proof of required immunizations, and a letter of good standing from the institution they are currently attending. To enroll in an English or mathematics course, the student must provide college entrance test scores.

Visiting student status is limited in duration and in the number of hours that can be accumulated. The visiting student who subsequently decides to pursue a degree at UAM must submit all documentation required of transfer students and request a change of status in the Office of the Registrar.

Post-Baccalaureate Admission

Those who have already attained at least a baccalaureate degree and who wish to take additional undergraduate courses toward an additional degree are required to complete an application for admission, official high school transcript, provide proof of required immunizations, and official transcripts from all institutions granting college credit. Students who wish to take only limited additional courses may enter as a special student (See Special Student Admission).

Graduate Admission

All interested students must file an application for admission, supply proof of required immunizations, provide an official transcript verifying the baccalaureate degree or proof of admission to the UAM RN to MSN program, and submit any additional transcripts for hours earned beyond the baccalaureate degree. GRE scores may also be required. Additional documents may be required for international students.

Students must contact the School of Arts and Humanities, the School of Education, the School of Nursing, or the College of Forestry, Agriculture and Natural Resources for additional information regarding graduate program admission. (See Graduate Programs  ).

Provisional Admission

Provisional admission may be extended to the student who has not completed the admission process at the time of registration. Proof of at least unofficial college entrance exam scores and any unofficial college transcript must be provided before provisional admission may be granted. Completed immunization records and all required documentation must be submitted by the last class day of a semester or summer term for continued registration. Failure to provide documents in a timely manner can affect the release of financial aid. A provisional request form is required and kept on file for future reference.

During fall and spring semesters, first-time freshmen must submit a signed acceptance of an 8-Semester Program of Study or a waiver of the 8-Semester Program of Study by the 5th class day. Students who do not meet the deadline(s) stated above may be administratively withdrawn from classes by the Registrar with no refund of tuition and fees, and the student will be ineligible to register provisionally for a future semester. Financial aid may also be affected.

Questions about provisional admission should be directed to the Office of Admissions or the Office of the Registrar.

Admission of International Students

UAM is a SEVIS approved institution and is authorized under federal law to enroll non-immigrant students with “F1” or “M1” student visas. Citizens of foreign countries who wish to attend UAM should request admission information from the Office of Admissions through email at The application for admission should be completed and submitted at least three months prior to the beginning of the semester of registration. To be fully admitted to the University, all supporting documentation must be on file before an I-20 is produced for the semester of registration.

International applicants must meet the following requirements:

  1. Submit a completed application for admission.
  2. Submit official college entrance exam scores (ACT or SAT).
  3. Submit certified copies of all academic records. All documents submitted must be the original, or a certified copy of the original document, and must be translated into the English language. Foreign transcripts must be translated into the English language by a certified agency. The information should come from the agency to UAM’s international office, and include course descriptions and any other pertinent information. The expense for this is incurred by the incoming student, and must be completed before being admitted to the university. Evaluation and acceptance of credits will be determined by the University of Arkansas at Monticello.
  4. If the applicant’s native language is other than English, an official transcript of the score for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) must be submitted directly from a licensed testing service. For undergraduate applicants the required score for the paper-based test is 500, the required score for the computer-based test is 173, and the required score for the internet-based test is 61. For graduate applicants the required score for the paper-based test is 550, the required score for the computer-based test is 213, and the required score for the internet based test is 80. The International English Language Testing System is also an accepted exam for English competency and may be submitted officially from a licensed testing service. Minimum undergraduate International English Language Testing System (IELTS) score is 5.5. Minimum International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is 6.0. Acceptance of any other English competency examination or scores must be approved by the International Officer.
  5. The applicant must submit a certified statement from a financial institution verifying that the applicant has on deposit a minimum amount that will cover the cost of attendance for at least one academic year. An additional financial statement is required on a yearly basis.
  6. The applicant must be in good physical health as certified by a licensed physician. An international applicant must purchase health insurance and present evidence before enrollment. Proof of immunization that is required includes two doses of MMR vaccine. A current tuberculin skin test or chest x-ray dated in the last six months is required. Other immunization requirements may also be requested. Arkansas Law states that all students who are “foreign born” are subject to the requirements of the Arkansas Department of Health Tuberculosis Screening Program for Foreign Born University and College Students. These students must contact UAM Student Health Services (870-460-1051) for required forms and further details.
  7. Transfer students must be in good standing at the institution from which they are transferring and must have a minimum grade point average of 2.00 (based on a 4.00 scale). In addition, transfer students must provide copies of Immigration Credentials (I-20s, passport visa, I-94 verification).
  8. All graduate applicants may be required to submit official scores for the GRE (Graduate Record Exam). Graduate students should consult the Graduate Programs of this catalog for details.

An international student receives campus information from the International Officer when arriving. This includes Homeland Security guidelines.