Feb 06, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

College of Forestry, Agriculture and Natural Resources

College of Forestry, Agriculture and Natural Resources
Location: Henry H. Chamberlin Forest Resources Complex
Telephone: (870) 460-1052 / Fax: (870) 460-1092
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 3468, Monticello, AR 71656
Website: https://www.uamont.edu/academics/CFANR/index.html


Professors Blazier (Dean), Ficklin, D. Osborne, Pelkki, and White; Associate Professors Babst, Boston, Deaton, Lindsey, Tanger, and Tian; Assistant Professors Chhetri, Dick, Larasatie, Nelson, Rubino, Saud, Yanez, and Zurqani; Instructors Blakeley, Davis, and T. Osborne.


The College of Forestry, Agriculture and Natural Resources will develop future leaders and deliver science-based solutions through discovery, learning, and engagement. These efforts will result in healthy and productive forest, agricultural, and natural resources to help ensure social and economic prosperity.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to nurture the intellectual and personal development of our students, enlarge the body of knowledge in forestry, agriculture and natural resource management, and to disseminate new ideas and technology. Our graduates will be life-long learners who succeed within their chosen discipline, and will promote and use creative, science-based solutions that enhance the quality of life of the people and communities we serve.

Student Learning Outcomes

Graduates of the College of Forestry, Agriculture and Natural Resources will:

  • understand basic theory and practice, and be skilled in applying appropriate tools and technology, for their chosen field of study • recognize how land management relates to the larger environment, economy, and society.
  • apply science-based knowledge and information to analyze and creatively solve management problems
  • demonstrate essential communication skills (interpersonal communication, nonverbal communication, written communication, and oral communication) that clearly provide relevant information and solutions to problems to diverse communities.


Bachelor of Science in Natural Resources Management

In the NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT MAJOR, students are provided a balance of general and professional coursework. General coursework includes a 35-hour General Education sequence. Courses in the professional sequence for all options consist of a common 51-hour core curriculum and 34 hours of coursework supporting the option. The freshman and sophomore years consist of general education and common core course, whereas the junior and senior years consist of common core and option courses. The Forestry option is accredited by the Society of American Foresters and prepares students for managing forest resources. The Wildlife Management and Conservation option is designed to give students a broad scientific background for management and perpetuation of wildlife resources. The Geospatial Science option integrates GIS, Global Positioning Systems (GPS), and remote sensing technology with natural resources management. The Communications in Natural Resources curriculum provides students a broad background in communication as well as natural resources management. The Environmental Science option allows broad flexibility through the individualized selection of environmental and natural resource management courses.

Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

In the AGRICULTURE MAJOR, students can choose from five options: Agribusiness, Animal Science, Plant and Soil Science, Site Specific Management, and General Agriculture. In addition, students desiring to enter veterinary school are provided course work and advising aimed at meeting the requirements of institutions offering a degree in veterinary medicine. The Agribusiness option curriculum provides students with a broad agriculture background applicable across all business fields within the industry. The Animal Science option provides students with a background in animal production, management, and the broad animal industry. The Plant and Soil Science option is designed to provide students with a comprehensive scientific background for sustainable management of crops, soils, and water resources. The Site Specific Management option combines elements of agriculture economics and plant and soil science in agricultural technology for precision management of farms, ranches, and other agricultural operations. The General Agriculture option provides an opportunity to combine courses from all options into a customized degree curriculum.

Bachelor of Science in Land Surveying

The LAND SURVEYING MAJOR prepares students to meet the growing demand for a geo-technology workforce. The program provides students with the tools and education to take the state survey licensure exam and become a professional land surveyor. The first two years of coursework emphasize various aspects of professional education. In addition, the School offers a two-year Associate of Science (A.S.) degree in Land Surveying Technology. Surveying licensure is available to Land Surveying graduates.

Associate of Science Degree

The ASSOCIATE OF SCIENCE DEGREE IN LAND SURVEYING TECHNOLOGY requires 64 semester hours and two academic years for completion. The associate degree includes courses in general education and land surveying. Graduates of the A.S. in Land Surveying Technology have the opportunity to take the state licensure exam, successful completion of the exam enables the student to become a licensed professional land surveyor.

Associate of Applied Science Degree

The ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE DEGREE IN FOREST TECHNOLOGY requires 60 semester hours and offers coursework that prepares individuals to assist foresters in the management and production of forest resources. Coursework includes instruction in woods and field skills, tree identification, forest measurements, forest propagation and regeneration, forest fire-fighting, resource management, and personnel supervision.

For students who wish to further their forest-related education, this AAS degree is designed to closely parallel the first two years of the Bachelor of Science in Natural Resources Management degree. In addition to providing a pathway for transitioning to a four-year baccalaureate degree, students who begin in the four-year program also may transfer easily to the AAS degree track, if their interests or circumstances warrant.

Associate of Science in Natural Resources Management

The ASSOCIATE OF SCIENCE IN NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT is a credential that students pursuing a baccalaureate in Natural Resources Management earn after completing the first two years of required coursework. With the completion of this A.S. degree, students will have the skills for a range of employment opportunities in natural resources management fields, including positions requiring field sampling, laboratory processing, and data entry and processing.

Associate of Science in Agriculture

The ASSOCIATE OF SCIENCE IN AGRICULTURE requires 60 semester hours and offers coursework leading to supportive employment opportunities in the agriculture industry. Students completing this degree can use the earned credit toward a Bachelor of Science degree in the Agriculture major.

Pre Vet Emphasis

Students are provided course work and advising to meet the entrance requirements of the veterinary school of their choice and may simultaneously complete the requirements for a Bachelor of Science degree in Agriculture under the Animal Science Option.

Requirements for Graduation

To graduate from the undergraduate programs in the College of Forestry, Agriculture and Natural Resources, students must have a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 in all curriculum core requirements, option requirements, and general education courses. Additionally, students must satisfy student learning outcomes defined in all required courses.

All baccalaureate degrees require at least 120 hours of college credit in courses at the 10000-level or above.

Student Organizations

Students are encouraged to cultivate their academic, social, and career interests through membership in the Student Chapter of the Society of American Foresters/Forestry Club, the Student Chapter of The Wildlife Society, the Collegiate Farm Bureau, The Collegiate Cattleman’s Association, the Student Chapter of the Arkansas Society of Professional Surveyors Club, the Pre-Vet Club, Women of Natural Resources, the Rodeo Team, and Xi Sigma Pi, the national forestry and natural resources honor society.


All Natural Resources Management students must purchase and wear leather work boots and ANSI-approved hard hats and eyewear during field laboratories and field trips.

Graduate Work

The School also offers graduate education leading to the Master of Science degree. Thirty hours of graduate credit, including 4-6 hours of research and thesis credit, are required. For additional information on graduate studies, see the Graduate Programs section of this catalog.


Undergraduate Major
